We are an expert, sympathetic and collaborative construction partner for architects working on fine residential projects in Chelsea, Kensington, Westminster and their constituent neighbourhoods.
Our commitment to excellence of build quality, and our many years of experience in delivering this against the myriad planning regulations in force in London’s boroughs, enable us to input valuably and knowledgeably from the outset.
On even an initial run through of project drawings, we are able to determine what will or may not be achievable, what might be done a little differently for less money and what seems likely to require a little more money than expected.
The experience of our Managing Partner, Peter Tyler, enables many problems to be resolved swiftly and reliably, and will often mean that ‘the unforeseen’ will be ‘foreseen’ without it having the opportunity to present problems.
Excellence in practice
We have many relationships with long-standing commercial clients, on whose repeat business we are dependent. It stands to reason, therefore, that we do nothing that might jeopardise our reputation.
As a company, we do not cut corners. We ensure that absolutely every aspect of each project is done properly. This includes carrying out full onsite health and safety inspections, and regular building control visits.
Costing and scheduling work
When we issue a programme of works to any client, it is realistic, based on our specific and relevant experience, and we adhere to it. Where departures are absolutely unavoidable, we communicate these clearly, and in good time to allow both you and the client to make any necessary adjustments to plans.
Finally, we are highly realist in in our preparation of costings, even when a rather more conservative costing might benefit us in a tender process.
From time to time, where a tender has been awarded to another builder on cost, we will hear back that the costings actually rose after the project had been awarded because items had been ‘overlooked’ by the successful bidder when preparing their tender, and then needed to be budgeted for additionally at a later date.
This simply does not happen to our project costings.